
Letting in the Light

I get such pleasure when I open a closed door from a dim hallway to find the room flooded with sunlight. Immediately I feel a joyful rush washing over me, brightening my mood in the process. Now, I had not been aware that I was not feeling happy until I experienced this instantaneous feeling.

I experienced a test lately. Yes, no one is impervious to struggles and growth no matter how involved one is in transformational work. While I have had to switch my focus the last two weeks to care for my husband since we both felt the time for his transitioning was upon him, the lessons which his relapse brought me were of faith affirmation in the face of doubt and unconditional love.

It was during this time when I most needed to remember my connection with God, All-That-Is, and my angels for without the unwavering strength I receive when I ask, I would not have alleviated my anxiety or been able to see myself through this period. The most fantastic experience I gained was of inner harmony in the face of adversity. I truly understood then the meaning of All is well.

While I affirmed my belief by stating that everything was improving and working out, I paused to be grateful for these experiences, which are gifts. What I was doing, in reality, was letting in the light.

I am very blessed. During this dark period, I, fortunately, received an exciting opportunity from a dear friend and supporter, reminding me that the unforeseen changes we undergo bring us into perfect alignment with our divine purpose. Often, it is in hindsight that we comprehend that those changes were necessary and beneficial to us.

How often do we get to attest our convictions? When such an occasion arises, we should embrace it for it is an affirmation that we are on the correct path.

It is a time to ponder if the life we are living is a reflection of our truth, our essence. Have the choices we made, did the actions we take give us the circumstances, the life we truly desire? If not, what do we need to modify?

Are we courageously creating a life that is a reflection of what matters most to us?

As I muse on all that has happened to me during the past two weeks, I face myself in the mirror and ask, am I truly living a life I love? Is it in alignment with my truth? I look myself squarely in the eyes, seeking veracity while I respond, knowing what I need to pivot to transition into the next phase of my life, of my purpose. I eagerly accept the challenge. I am ready. The light filters through the curtain, illuminating my face.

And, you? What are you being propelled to do? What are you being called to absorb?

Where are you letting in the light?

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