
You Go First!

The title of a book recently caught my eye: Change is Good. You Go First!

After having a good laugh, I thought how accurate. How many times do we resist change?

Although we know that change brings growth, fear creeps in silently. The discomfort we must undergo causes us to hesitate rather than stepping forward enthusiastically.

“The cure for pain is in the pain.” – Rumi

We find the hidden gem when we embrace the beliefs that we can control any outcome through our reactions and that everything happens for our highest good–no matter how bad circumstances or situations seem.

“Awareness is the greatest agent for change.” – Eckhart Tolle

That does not mean that you will never suffer sadness, grief, disappointment, frustrations, or disillusionment, but that you will flourish as a result of having those experiences. These struggles are the catalysts for change.

I know it is not easy. No matter how long I practice and teach these principles, embracing them is a conscious decision I make every day for one can easily slip back into old habits. What I know is that the more you are determined to live with the expectation of benevolence, the more synchronicities, and miracles you experience.

“Your life does not get better by chance; it gets better by change.” – Jim Rohn

As if those rewards were not enough, your resolve brings inner strength and harmony along with a clarity of purpose and a knowing that you are not alone for you will have access to the wisdom of the ages by daily accessing your intuition. When we listen and abide by our intuition, we gain knowledge of events that we would not otherwise have known.

“Sometimes in the winds of change, we find our true direction.” Anonymous

The next time an opportunity is before you, view it as confirmation that your thoughts are manifesting rapidly. A gateway has opened. It is time to embrace change. When you hear, You Go First! say Gladly, as you step forward confidently into abundance and the realization of your dreams.

How are you embracing change?

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