
Drop The Mask, Discover Who You Really Are

Most of us have defined ourselves through labels: single, mother, father, spouse, student, lawyer, or retired for years.  Despite this, we are not any closer to realizing who we truly are.

If you asked yourself: Who am I?–would you know the response?

Turn inward to the silent awareness to listen and seek with your heart.

“It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are.” ~e. e. cummings

Are you willing to ask questions to inspire spiritual responses? Are you ready to follow your passions and leave your doubts and perceived limitations aside?

Then embark on this journey of self-discovery with me.

Look to your deepest desires, to those of your heart. It is there where you will find your essence, your authenticity.

If we are sincere with ourselves, we realize our satisfaction is short-lived after achieving our worldly possessions. Usually, we strive to attain what we believe defines us.  However, what we desire is not that new car or home or lifestyle.  What we are searching for is happiness.  As long as we continue to seek happiness outside of ourselves, it will continue to elude us.

When we feel a void in our lives in spite of the fact that we have a job, a home, a family, or a lifestyle that others envy, it is because we are living up to others’ expectations.

If you paused to ask: what makes me genuinely happy?—would you know the answer? Go ahead, take a moment, journal your response.

How would you describe yourself if you want someone to understand who you are and what is important to you?

Are you clear on the values that are significant to you?  Your core values help you determine how you live. It is how you measure what is beneficial, desirable, constructive, or healthy in your life.  Most importantly, these concepts decide your happiness.

Another thing to consider is if you equate happiness with money.  Do you use your lack of funds as an excuse for not going after your goals or for what is “wrong” in your life?

All our experiences have a significant purpose. When our lives are most challenging is when we need to appreciate that it is an opportunity to learn and evolve spiritually.

The answers to these questions do not come easily.  I still struggle with them.  It is a never-ending quest. But, if you give yourself the time to discover your soul’s essence, you can remove the mask and become the person you are meant to be.



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